This page explains how you can stay updates on recent changes to the website and, more important for me, how you can provide feedback.



The best way to stay abreast of the latest changes to this website is to become a follower on my Twitter feed: simply click the blue button below. If you are not already a member of Twitter, you should sign up; it’s free and safe – i.e. click on the signup button on the top right of the popup window and fill in the form. We started this feature in November 2016.

HERE is a link to the twitter page


I welcome your feedback! Be it on format, content or whatever you feel could be improved or should be changed. This website is meant to be continually improved based on your feedback and my ongoing learning as an amateur vintner. 

You can either send me an email at , or complete the form to the right and click "submit" or provide feedback through Twitter (likes, dislikes or comments)